Selasa, 15 November 2016

Curriculum Vitae


Contact Information
Name               : Lu’luatul Ma’sumah
Address         : Jl. KH. Agus Salim No. 81 RT 03/08 Kel. Bekasi Jaya Kec. Bekasi Timur Kota Bekasi
Cellphone        : 0878-8010-2234
Email               :

Personal Information
Date of Birth   : October 17th, 1995
Place of Birth  : Tegal City
Gender             : Female
Marital Status  : Single

Personal statement
I am a fresh graduated. Currently I am looking for job in accounting relacted professions. I am skillful in accounting software MYOB and Zahir. I have a good motivation. I can work in teamwork or individual. I also skillful of computer (Ms. Word and Ms. Excel). I am a good person in time management. I am sure that i can be available asset for your company.

Elementary School      : SDN Bekasi Jaya III (2001-2007)
Junior High School     : MTs Al-Munawaroh Tegal (2007-2010)
High School                : SMK Karya Guna 2 Bekasi (2010-2013)
Bachelor degree of Accounting University Gunadarma (2014-2018)

1.      MYOB     : I studied this software for class three high school in SMK Karya Guna 2 Bekasi. One a week, two hours in a week. And i studied this software for one semester in University Gunadarma. I achieved it with merit.
2.      Zahir         :  This software needed a semester to master. It was organized once a week. I took two hours to study. I was awarded with excellent for this software.
3.      Ms. Word and Ms. Excel : I studied this software since junior high school to date. Because this software is the basis.
4.      Language : I am skillful in Indonesian language and English language.

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